Kevin Craig Canada shared a link.Admin · Just nowJust the tip of the Iceberg – wait until they get to the Government’s, Military’s & Intel Agencies Globally & the torture of Targeted Invidiuals– 301 ‘Predator Priests’ Named In Pa. Grand Jury Sex Abuse Report: ‘They Were Raping Little Boys & Girls’
Jeff Murray
7:38 AM (8 hours ago)
to,, Jeff
301 ‘Predator Priests’ Named In Pa. Grand Jury Sex Abuse Report: ‘They Were Raping Little Boys & Girls’…/pennsylvania-diocese-sex…/
300+ ‘Predator Priests’ Named In Pa. Grand Jury Sex Abuse Report: ‘They Were Raping Little Boys & Girls’
About this websitePITTSBURGH.CBSLOCAL.COM301 ‘Predator Priests’ Named In Pa. Grand Jury Sex Abuse Report: ‘They Were Raping Little Boys & Girls’The long-awaited state grand jury report into sexual abuse in six Pennsylvania dioceses, including Pittsburgh and Greensburg, has finally been released.
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