Kevin Canada I don’t meet people off the Internet, or tons of phone calls I getI was not going to return Adams call but for some reason I didkeep up the good work a lot of people follow youThey try to set you up especially with womenI need people I can Trustany hot ones send them to me for analysysTons of hot ones, they want me involvedYou should see what they dothe ones you don’t want send to me…Not interested, interested in exposing this shitget a purposegreat tell women to contact your vaginal control division… meStart a You Tube channel maybe they will send you some like meMaybe I should start contacting them, it’s all mind control probablyThey want me involved so I get off their case, ain’t gonna happenmuch worse than that … they use women to transfer demonic parasites for total cerbral control… real mind control, never discussedcerebral control nano-viruses… thats why so many men are pussywhiped and dont fight against evil… they are in bed with it literalyYou may be right, reason I stay single, even without the nano you get pussy whippedWatch the movie They livei have mostly trueI have a link in my group under the doc videothxThat’s very interesting I never thought they were using women for something like this, man this world has gone to Hell literallyI knew something was wrong with them constantly trying to get me involved with womenworse than ever… that’s what happens less Christianity = more satan… masons know this and blame Christians in media to blame us for their shitI’ve had them virtually hand me their tits in a pub and stuff, weird shit I never had happen beforeThey are using this mind control to get people involved in the Occult as well, they especially use it on womenI think women are easier to mind controlpussy kills more people than ALL gun crime combinedThey control the woman they control you if you are in a relationshipThat’s where you need a licenseThat’s why i have no kids and never marrythat’s why i was chosen… nothing to blackmail me withI don’t either, just worked out that wayBlessMy ex wants to get back together, long story
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