HAARP on Long Island!
Some very interesting information about HAARP has recently come light. To provide a background for some of this information, we go back to early last summer when Brookhaven National Laboratories on Long Island underwent a significant and far reaching change of directorship, and subsequently a change of direction and focus. The changes at Brookhaven, one of the first National Laboratories established, received coverage even in the national news media.
(Brookhaven has been getting considerable heat on Long Island as of late due to their having dumped radioactive waste into Long Island’s groundwater aquifer for the past 30+ years, resulting in severe, widespread and life threatening contamination of the water supply of a great number of people, farmland, waterways, and even Long Island Sound/Peconic Bay).
Brookhaven Labs has been repeatedly named as a major player in other clandestine and generally malignant and malevolent operations on Long Island–such as the Montauk Project and many related activities; among other well-known secrets are the particle accelerators underlying much of the area used in so many covert projects, which undoubtedly also have negative environmental and health consequences.
Subsequent to these well-publicized but never adequately explained changes at Brookhaven Labs last year, several of the Navy’s key HAARP personnel are now stationed at BNL. No public mention has been made of this by Brookhaven, the Navy, nor anyone else.
Latest reports show that the Navy has more or less completely taken over administration and operation of HAARP and that the Air Force is no longer involved in any significant capacity.
Official Lies
Certain of the photos on the Navy’s “official” HAARP website betray the fact that the photos were doctored–a structure visible in the photos proves that (at least one of) HAARP’s transmitter site(s) is no longer in Alaska if it ever was but is in fact on Long Island, in the Westhampton pine barrens quite close to Brookhaven Labs–the nearby structure seen in the web page photo is part of Brookhaven! The photos were altered by adding mountains in the background, to keep going the lie that the HAARP is being operated in Alaska. Unconfirmed accounts state that HAARP has as many as 36 sites in operation at this time.
Preston Nichols, author and well-known investigator of covert operations, reported that he knows where this antenna site in the pine barrens is. There is totally independent confirmation from another source that there is an antenna farm in the Westhampton pine barrens which is protected 24/7 by Delta Force type personnel with automatic weapons. This fellow was hiking in the area and came upon the heavily fenced and posted site without having encountered any warning signs etc. An armed guard wearing a featureless black uniform warned him off with threats of deadly force! Needless to say my contact was “hella” shocked !
As mentioned in a earlier update, Nichols confirmed that he had been working with an Air Force contingent at Camp Hero’s subterranean complex; this was the group which was implementing “Star Wars” particle beam technology apparently in “planetary defense” operations, directed in this operation specifically against the Hale-Bopp comet and an object said to be traveling in it’s wake. As then noted, this contingent by all available accounts and evidence did NOT appear to be at all connected to previous mind control and time/space operations at this location. Nichols affirmed that he had not been at the underground in Montauk for nearly a year, since the comet departed our skies, and that the current tenants at Camp Hero/Montauk Air Force Station are no longer Air Force personnel, but rather Navy operatives connected to the HAARP project.
If the HAARP crew wanted in at Montauk due at least in part to the extraordinary characteristics of this major earth grid power spot and it’s ability to “amplify” EM/RF waves I would have to venture a guess that a linking of the Montauk Project with the global capabilities of HAARP is high up on the agenda right now, as well as using the Montauk power spot to boost other acknowledged aspects of HAARP technology operations and experimentation.
References here and elsewhere to the whole field of planetary grid power points and such, as in relation to the tetrahedral physics concepts of Hoagland, Carl Munck and Bruce Cathie are considered to be solid science. It is in fact within the internal military intelligence documentation on the HAARP project for example, that certain spots on earth are known to be electromagnetic “hot spots”, where various electromagnetic, radio frequency and gravitational processes and phenomenon are drastically amplified, enhanced, interfered with or otherwise affected.
Montauk — The Project That Wouldn’t Die
Significantly, there have also been some changes regarding who is in control of the current Montauk Project operations. As with HAARP, it is now clear that the Montauk Project operation as a whole is currently under the control of the Navy!
After having been reactivated–more like exhumed from the grave–in 1988, the operation shifted from Camp Hero around 1992. There are some indications that security had become excessively problematical, as the Montauk Project book had been published and curiosity seekers and others were becoming far too prevalent and nosy. There are other rumors of conflicts among different groups over the use of the facility, and in 1993 the Air Force’s “Sky Pebbles” contingent moved in to Camp Hero’s subterranean complex to begin operations, the concerns of which were the Hale Bopp comet, among others; and the Montauk Project moved out.
After the Project was eventually reorganized at Robins Air Force Base near Atlanta, it seems Project directors realized that certain aspects of the Project just couldn’t be implemented adequately other that at Camp Hero, due apparently to the geomagnetic characteristics of that area. Additionally, as noted, at this time directorship of the Montauk Project has now shifted to the Navy. A linking of the Montauk Project and HAARP, previously often suspected and which may have already existed, now appears definite. The two projects are converging on the Camp Hero location at this time.
Now here’s where things get even more interesting. It has been known for at least a few years now and was commented on in “Montauk Air Force Station–Active Or Not“, that particle accelerators are definitely in use in a number of locations on Long Island, such as at Brookhaven Labs, Montauk Air Force Station, and a number of underground locations in between these two sites. Despite endless denials and blank stares from Brookhaven flak catchers and their cohorts, there is positive proof of the existence of such accelerator units at Brookhaven, at Camp Hero and elsewhere underground on eastern Long Island including in the Westhampton pine barrens.
No one, not even Preston Nichols, has been able to say with absolute certainty what these accelerators are used for; well founded rumors from contacts involved in covert projects and/or in the area give strong indication that accelerators and accompanying particle beam weapons devices have been both tested and deployed. Investigators have suspected but have been unable to prove indisputably that particle accelerators and particle beams were somehow being utilized in HAARP operations as well, despite absolutely no reference to this whatsoever in any public or internal documents which have ever seen the light of day regarding HAARP.
In an absolutely astonishing event, some of the suspicions of these investigators regarding HAARP have apparently been unequivocally and massively confirmed.
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