Ultra-low Frequency (ULF) Transmitter
Radio science is advancing so rapidly that we are unable to understand the ecological implications of a technology before a new technology replaces it. All of the facilities listed above are Cold-War era technology, where brute force, tall antennas, and long cables were the norm. The current state-of-the-art in signalling the apocalypse is straight out of a science-fiction film, with energy beams and plasma fireballs creating previously unreachable low frequencies. Such is the case in the world of Space-Weather Modification.
The United States of America’s military went from upper atmospheric nuclear explosions to radar-heated chemical releases in the ionosphere in under fifty years. These experiments span the gamut from gathering current space-weather conditions to understanding the response of our ionosphere and magnetosphere to artificial (human) influence. The military hates our unpredictable ionosphere so much they tried to replace it with an artificial ionosphere in the 1960’s during Project West Ford. 480,000,000 copper dipole antennas (1.78 cm long needles) were launched into orbit and as of 2013 forty six clumps of needles are still in orbit, and occasionally re-enter. [6][7] The next attempt to solve over-the-horizon radio propagation issues would come in the form of “artificial mirrors” made of ionospheric plasma volumes heated by ground-based microwave stations, like HAARP.
A 1971 Navy study determined that electromagnetic fields associated with ELF caused stunted growth in rats. The military sat on the details of these findings until 1976, even as concerned citizens worked to unearth information on potential health impacts of the ELF waves. The Navy convened the Ad Hoc Committee for the Review of Biomedical and Ecological Effects of ELF Radiation to analyze their research in 1973. The committee’s members raised concerns over potentially serious health problems related to the technology, though their worries carried little weight with militarists desiring a different message. The ad hoc committee’s findings only reached the public once Senator Gaylord Nelson, an environmentalist and progressive Democrat, raised a stink and released the report himself. [4]
Science advances, antennas get more powerful, and very little attention is paid to the butterfly-effect. [12] These artificial resonations are adverse to the health of humans and wildlife worldwide [13][14][15] and the side-effects of these experiments are unknown as these facilities operate in secrecy.
Demand more transparency in the world of brain-altering electric signals, and learn how they are altering our space,our skies, and our Earth while blaming it all on climate change.
The U.S. plans to carry out large-scale scientific experiments, under the HAARP program, and not controlled by the global community, will create weapons capable of breaking radio communication lines and equipment installed on spaceships and rockets, provoke serious accidents in electricity networks and in oil and gas pipelines and have a negative impact on the mental health of people populating entire regions, the deputies said.
Now that we have covered the history of ELF generation, stay tuned for my next article when we will dig deeper into the science behind making ULF/ELF/VLF with HAARP and how it is all about to go MOBILE!
They demanded that an international ban be put on such large-scale geophysical experiments.
The appeal, signed by 90 deputies, has been sent to President Vladimir Putin, to the United Nations and other international organizations, to the parliaments and leaders of the UN member countries, to the scientific public and to mass media outlets. Among those who signed the appeal are Tatyana Astrakhankina, Nikolai Kharitonov, Yegor Ligachev, Sergei Reshulsky, Vitaly Sevastyanov, Viktor Cherepkov, Valentin Zorkaltsev and Alexei Mitrofanov.
[Description of Source: Moscow Interfax in English — non-government information agency known for its aggressive reporting, extensive economic coverage, and good coverage of Russia’s regions. ][16]
Grab your tinfoil hat and let us take a tour of brain-altering facilities worldwide.
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