Rachel SkyChemtrails NWO . Mind Control . Hunger Games : HOW TO GET FREE !!!September 19, 2015 at 1:42pmAGENDA 2030. NEW YORK 25 SEPT 2015
2015- 2030: on planet Earth:
“Once they have destroyed many crops, with floods, Droughts and fires and Hiurricanes
They will tell you climate change i must really be under global policies, in a ONE WORLD organisation with new sciences to control. and minor the “climate change”an that we need a
they will officialise Chemtrails as a scientific and necessary ‘ geo ingineering ‘ for ‘ ‘ global warming’ and “stop the heating of the planet by the CO2. ” ( which is a false theory of Al Gore and Illuminatis puppets , like Obama )
Chemtrails are poisons and very toxic,
made of nano aluminium, baryum and many heavy metals , bacteries , red blood cells, and genetic alterers..and nano chips nano traçors.
They create a weather map with nano sensors for the Atmosphere, and traçors,
they display the ‘ weather ‘ and the rain, ‘ anything they like to do as” weather control “in some way .
but especillay induce weathers anomalies and desasters, allied with Haarp . and economic collapses under control
Chemtrails spread also specific nano traçors in your body and these nano technologies are receptors and emettors working with your own cells and body and brain electicity,
they can be activated and receive or give informaitons via frequencies from outside, dowloaded or uploaded to super computers
and sattelites, can trace you at a few cm marge.
Magnus Olsson estimates 80% of humanity is brain-implanted with inactive nano-neurobots inhaled from chemtrails, that can be activated and entrained to super-computers in a covert program to “robotize” humans, Transhumanism.
these nano implants,via Chemtrails Haarp , used thought the super computer technology , the super artificial intelligence and using synthetic telepathy , will play the highest function in the New world Order programming and managing of the Human Domain to get a hive society, under Mind Control
Haarp is also a technolgy man made to destroy the climate and create strong events of weather disasters and even Hurricanes and Earthquakes.
Chemtrails, destroy plants BEES , insects ans soils PH and alter DNA of all ecosystems and terrestrial Biologies , and even sea biologies
.They contain NANO technology , bacteriological and genetic warfare
Then they will tell you NOW we need =
‘ Global sustainable development ‘because of terrible climate change,
an agenda for “Justice,Peace and Security “management of the world food ressources,
an agenda for “peace and security” and feed the poors
Agenda 2030
“Problem reaction solution;” Illuminati procedure.
To make a good management of ressources , because of this big ‘ climate change’ .
cause now more famines and drougths an floods are increasing on planet Earth.. creating problems, famines, wars, conflicts an ecologic refugees..
all of this because of you. because of man consumerim, man presence on the planet and man CO2 production and human surpopulation
an AGENDA to organise everything
and manage all the food stocks, all agriculture, all crops production, cattle production, and the fair sharing of the ressources world wide
a new plan for agriculture Technics an agro sciences to be able to feed the planet correctly.
To reach such a HUGE ambtion for ‘ peace and security’ and food for all humans ,
companies as MONSANTO, and big lobbies of pharmaland , bio technology, Eugenics, and WATER companies, wil be the Top tools .
,Including the privatisation of all seeds, water and all food chains that will be NECESSARY in a one world unitfied ,
providing food and energy and water for everyone’ , in “peace and security..
Then slowly or quickly, u will say goodbye freedoms , good bye owning your garden and cultivate your own food . or plants..
it will become illegal at one point and ‘not under the rules of sdafety and security,neither to procuce raw milk or cheese yourself, u could be arrested and put in jail;.
aniway your soils beeing sterilized by chemtrails , it will be difiicult to grow organic food in your garden or land..
Monsanto will sell you “resistant aluminium” seeds and new “resisting drough and floods” seeds all GMO
resisting’ Climate Change’ .( man made )
if you cultivate, your own natural seeds, you will be illegal
if u refuse to use chemicals for growing your seeds inyour surviving garden, you will pay high ‘amendes ‘ and be considered ‘ out of law’,’ criminal’ . especillaly if u dont buy the seeds with UE or FDA autthorization.
The land will be distributed differentely, owning or buying land will become more and more diifcult or very highly taxed.
The Big highways joining big cities complexes , crossing all a continent , will prevail, big areas of ‘ concentrated urban zone ‘ leading to another by these super highways will be the norm with most humans living in the cities..
Huge Wild nature Zones will be created , owned by the Gvt, and all the little house san farms will;be taken and the owners send in the cities to PROTECT the planet of man pollution and parasiting living and CO2 print ,
The Huge Wild Zones will be forbidden to live in and even to cross expect with special, permits.
Then you will be aniway sterilized trough all GMO , vaccines and chemicals and nano technology in your air and you food. and Fluoride in your top water.. in your beaiutiful city, where spaces of the flats will be under control of gvt policies not to be too big for you and your one child and no wife ( cause of CO2 print and ‘ sustainable living’)
Your smart meters , tablets, i pads, wi fi, , cell towers, will provide a funny high tech way of life, and introduce you more and more in virtual reality, far from Nature,..
and everything beeing ruled by technology in your home and outside and in your car using FREQUENCIES..
as well as IN your BRAIN .
Nano fibers and nano implants sprayed on you via the Chemtrails and activated via frequencies ans co directed by artifificial Intelligence super computer, will manage your thoughst and you behavior and use u first as guinea pig , then as a simple robot with no more souls and hope of his own , connected to the Matrix and unaware of the loss of Ones self, while mutilating your mind and mutating your DNA via the other applications of the Programm..
Outise and inside, you belong to the gvt.
Outside an inside they cut you from your soul and cut you from GOD
its easy to do with the new technolgies , mind control and voices inside your head day and night mimicking your own thougths or emotions
The Super Artificial Intelligence is managing the Humain Domain , you call it HAL i call it SATAN,
He owns you in ‘peace and security’
your health will decline constanty and you will have to take a lof or medics and good drugs to sustain your enrgy, and some pills of ultra vitamins , and the virtual reality around you will be agreat support not to die and realise how down you have rolled ‘ in ‘peace and security’
The strongests will survive and the Youngs..
with some Rfid chips to buy and sell and traveling under high security , because of ‘ terrorism ‘ and to maintain ‘peace and security’ world wide..
the weaks the sicks and the old ones will have the choice bewen a ‘no Life “in exhaustion and cancers or sooner or later to relieve them from a painful life with EUTHANASY that will be legal.
some will buy a expensive programm of ‘ life extension’ in virtual reality
Abortion will be totally normal for young women and a casual reflex in a crowded city , too small house and no husband to support you.
Vaccines will “help teh people “to resist the infinite number of desases growing in the society and be “resistant”
Your parents will all die in awful and terrible life end in Alzheimer and demence ( aluminiium, vaccines , cell towers, chemtrails, nano technology, GMO )
but hopefully Euthanasy will end their pains quicker .in “Peace and Security’
Your rare children will often get Autism, or cancer ( vaccines , chemtrails ) but hopefully in the next stages euthanasy will be legal for children with handicaps and disablement.
and even “post natal abortion” will be legal if your baby is not perfect.
the embryoes from thousands of abortions will be a market, and be used in industry (and may be food chains) THEY ARE ALREADY USED.
in pharmatical industry and beauty industy for women
the Sell and Harvest of fesh human organs will be a strong market too..( already in China and the evil state of IS )
you , will be sterile rapidlly in a chemicalised , GM and mind controled world
The family will be a thing of the past, gender will be more and more undefined and unisex, homosexuality and gender tjheory will be the new standarts of beauty and ‘hype’ and succes in the
Your rare children will belong to the gvt.
Welcome to ‘ Disneyland’ ‘ Soylent green” ” Hunger games “
And what if u would try to explain this to the people befor e it is quite achived , they will denounce you ‘ “psychiatric illness ‘ ” paranoiac’ and ‘ a CO2 Lunatic ‘
Welcome to ‘ Brave New world ‘
BUT YOU HAVE STILL THE CHOICE NOW.. Last years..las tmonths
on 25 th SEPT2015
What can we DO?
you have to understand the ‘ Authorities and Dominations acting here against the planet and human race, even if using human NWO puppets and their crazy dream of Control , are in fact SPIRITUAL dominations in the Air, with a programm of dehumansisation , transhumanism, genetic Attacks, DNA change, and Soul scalping
they are NEPHILIMS and Fallen Angels working for the Prince of the Air caleld Lucifer,
some people calll the Nephilims : Aliens or Archonts,
That s not the point, the all evil NWO programm comes from extradimenssonal entities deceiving, the human race is a sort of ‘ matrix’ of illusions,robbing, hurting and destroying and trying to mutate the Holy Creation of God into a ugly degenerated copy for their master Lucifer
i highly suggest you watch the video of Doug Hamp ‘ corrupting the image’ :
and relate it to the ‘morgellons’ ( sprayed by chemtrails’ ) DNA attack :
and start to do the RIGHT action with Prayers to the ONLY POWER that these authorities and dominations FEAR and have TO OBEY TO
Read Genesis in the Bible and the Nephilms story
and the way Jesus Christ is our Savior, not a religious savior but the TRUE savior
U can of course fight the NWO and awaken people, make petitions and radio shows and rise the level of ‘ Consciousness’ so that may be those ‘ poswers could be out in jail or stopped?? i dont THINK so.
Ultimately, against the terrible powers at stake that are EXTRADIMENSSIONAL DEMONIC BEEINGS, and their uncredible level in Technology and MIND CONTROL, and Genetics..( Nephilims as in the days of Noah )
its clear it almost impossible to stop this attacks, without a SPIRITUAL War and a Protection and unvincible GOD.
and so we can get Victory , while we Obey to the Father and To Jesus Christ..
only God decides, all is in His Hand at the end…. but at least we will be on the right “team “for Our lives and for all Life.. and understanding the Big Picture.
The Victory is In Jesus Christ and our Father
Also to delete, and neutralize chemtails, haarp , and stop the scalar waves attacks and invasion of nano fiber in our bodies..and be free on any scalar waves, Mk ultra, and Voices to Skull mind control from the Ennemy.
we are not unpotent bu we have to undersand our Ennemy is ,not of Flesh and Blood, even if he ( Satan )tries to destroy and mutate our flesh and blood and DNA to enslave US and all NATURE and mock and insult GOD and Jesus Christ that died for us .Then Resurerected and promessed us a New Body of Glory ;
but Jesus told us “we have ALL power in Him and His Name against the poisons, the scorpions, the fire and the devils ”
“we are more than Winners in Jesus Christ “
Thank you
All Glory to the Father
Rachel Sky https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=1192&v=6vo1N8zX1GoArtificial Intelligence Uses HAARP, Chemtrails, Satellites,…youtube.comJ’aime · Répondre · Supprimer l’aperçu · 19 minRachel Sky https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSQ-dp1sV5wFrom Chemtrails to Pseudo-Life. The Dark Agenda of Synthetic…youtube.comJ’aime · Répondre · Supprimer l’aperçu · 13 minRachel Sky https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_9gHvxp6UMDouglas Hamp Corrupting The Image Part 1youtube.comJ’aime · Répondre · Supprimer l’aperçu · 10 minÉcrire un commentaire…
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