Kevin Craig Canada shared a link.Admin · 23 NASA still faking space missions … and you wanted to give them money to go to Mars ??? i have seen myself the fake footage NASA is being caught again this time using green screens to fake International Space Station “events” … NASA is the biggest hindrance to real science in the world … not the least of which is the fake astronomy and space science … not the least of which is the fake mars rover crap covering up the real exploration of the “red” planet that was a blue earth-like water planet not more than a number of thousands of years ago or how about the new discoveries being covered up in Antarctica … does this mean NASA is a fake agency … not at all … this means as i have said all along … NASA and its visible tier 2 moron scientists are a smoke screen for the real science that is going on that you are paying for but only benefits the psycho world “leaders” … do you want to know where we should be in the “space race” ??? beyond pluto with 100,000 people minimum in autonomous space stations … but we have nothing … except more fake NASA lies …. this has opened the door for every luny tune on the planet with a youtube channel filled with nut jobs making every sort of nut case claim many whom are supported by the same people that run NASA … the CIA … that is why i continue to forge ahead doing real science and wasting an inordinate amount of time keeping you informed about fake science and watching our $$$ billions of national space future flushed down the NASA toilet … : How to contact us/ The MANY Planet X Objects / / Atlantis to Tesla – The Kolbrin Connection / The Solar System Sun- Earth Connection – Space & Earth Weather / / / Solar System Formation by Capture / / Stellar Surface Fusion / / The Physics of Tesla Technology / – Planetary Physics and Weather / / Re-Mastered Histori…



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