Kevin Canada shared a link.Admin · 1dLouis Fournier
Aug 24, 2020, 7:40 PM (11 hours ago)
The 400-page tome reads like a novel and I am literally devouring it. The sanity, the decency of JFK and RFK, in stark contrast to the madness of the Dulles brothers, J. Edgar Hoover, etc. is so refreshing. America’s problem is one of loss of moral compass and even basic common sense.
The sociopathic elements in the FBI, the CIA, etc., basically staged a slow-motion coup d’État over a few decades that made America absolutely unrecognizable. The Sociopath Cabal remains of course in control of the nation and is behind OS/EH. Democrats as well as Republicans have not dared confront the Beast to “make America sane again”.
In my opinion, the right and the left must unite in a Coalition of the Sincere to pull the United States from the jaws of this monstrous Cabal. Kennedy’s book brilliantly shows the way.
On 2020-08-24, at 5:38 AM, Nicolas de la Forge wrote:
Louis, I think that the U.S. Empire is crumbling… still, they’ll do huge damage to human life for some time to come, trying
to go on, funding both sides and other schemes. But they won’t make any progress. Our efforts now are
to save freedom for 300 million people – to defund the satanic
security state! The war has turned on us as the doc suggests…
On Mon, Aug 24, 2020 at 12:42 AM Louis Fournier wrote:
Are they immature or do they simply have too much money to spend?…/
Us Govt Admits CIA-Armed Militias In Syria Are At War With Ones Armed By The Pentagon
Posted on
March 28, 2016
The Free Thought ProjectComment(0)
Recent events have finally exposed the convoluted and failed US strategy being employed in Syria, with the LA Times reporting that separate CIA and Pentagon-backed rebel groups had been fighting one another between the Turkish border and the war-raved city of Aleppo.
The convoluted US strategy in Syria has been exposed with reports showing that separate CIA and Pentagon-backed rebel groups had been fighting one another.About this websiteTHELASTAMERICANVAGABOND.COMGovt Admits CIA-Armed Militia At War With Pentagon-Armed MilitiasThe convoluted US strategy in Syria has been exposed with reports showing that separate CIA and Pentagon-backed rebel groups had been fighting one another.The convoluted US strategy in Syria has been exposed with reports showing that separate CIA and Pentagon-backed rebel groups had been fighting one another.
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