Christopher Aldo Porco
Rosanne Marie shared their post.
36 mins
Rosanne Marie
Office of the City Council
440 Civic Center Plaza
P.O. Box 4046
Richmond, CA 94804
May 6, 2015
Dear Targeted Individuals,
My first concern is for the safety and wellbeing of all of our residents. As a city official I am requesting that other city officials provide moral support to the Targeted Individual community nationwide. A small group of volunteers, dedicated city residents, and their associates have brought before me troubling information. These individuals have reported the need of support in reducing the stigma placed on them via exposing technology, to alter their minds and covertly deem them mentally ill within society at large.
Three years ago, I met Richmond resident Amy Lee Anderson about this matter. Ms. Anderson informed me she was a survivor of these horrible attacks. According to her description, these government patented technologies and weapons interfere and disrupt the targeted individual’s health physically and psychologically by remote transmission. Also, it has been brought to my attention that many survivors have reached out to their city officials peacefully, through numerous avenues of redress and accountability about these types of horrifying abuses, only to experience dismissal, being stonewalled, mocked and ignored, or a level of all out discrimination resulting in these individuals being wrongly labeled as unstable, criminals, or troublemakers.
I am writing this letter in full support, and on behalf of Amy Lee Anderson and other unwitting residents of Richmond, California who believe they are unwilling and unwitting victims. These hostile technologies, as described to me, cause physical, psychological and sexual trauma at times unbearable pain to the body, causing undeserved harm.
In our city, we put forth our best efforts to listen and respect the voices, wisdom, and experiences of our residents. We will not ignore, but support those who suspect they have been exposed to these types of inhumane attacks with the intent to cause them great emotional and bodily harm. I am encouraged by these citizens who have stood up to protect our residents. In response to the Targeted Individuals’ concerns, I facilitated a meeting with Captain Gagan from the Richmond Police Department to ensure that reports from the targeted individuals would be accepted and investigated, as any other alleged crime.
I would like to encourage other officials at the local, state and national levels to explore methods to extend the listed courtesies below to all residents.
To reduce and eliminate stigmas or wrongly derived labels of instability against victims of crime.
Informing others of any abuses or crimes against citizens.
To listen and encourage participation from all its residents.
Means to make these abuses visible and recognized as crimes by local, county/parish, state and federal legislators and law enforcement alike.
Best Wishes to all survivors,
Jovanka Beckles
Richmond City Councilmember
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