Kevin Canada shared a link.August 23 at 5:44pmGovernment GangStalking and Electronic Harassment shared a post.

Warning: Your Cellphone is Frying Your Brain!

It’s one of the biggest cover-ups of all-time… cellphone radiation.

Big Government and cell phone companies are doing everything they can to hide the effects.

But the truth is starting to leak…

An Italian court just awarded a man with a brain tumor monthly payments for the rest of his life.

One expert study just showed “40% of cells taken from mobile phone users show DNA damage.”

The World Health Organization recently declared that cellphones damage your memory..

daqbsmrfmje0jpm0zw476h249urlhttp3a2f2fmanwardpress-com2fwp-content2fuploads2f20172f072fmw-campaign-featured3-9200582 1485305Warning: Your Cellphone is Frying Your Brain! – Manward PressIt’s one of the biggest cover-ups of all-time… cellphone radiation. Big Government and cell phone companies are doing everything theyMANWARDPRESS.COM



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