posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 10:54 PMThis thread is presented to consider the possibility that Behavioral Modification is a huge part of what doesn’t make the mainstream media and that Romney has ties to such consideration and implementation of such programs, through his wealth and his religion. I have demonstrated many times, through my own threads and those others have posted, that I believe that I am a part of an experimental behavioral modification program via remote control (which, if true, means that the American taxpayer paid for the tech, the research and the application yet knows nothing about it). While I will state again that I believe that to be true, this thread will look at some interesting connections regarding the thread title. Unfortunately, I do admit that the presentation that follows does not confirm my conclusions but I am hoping that the cumulative sources, while mostly unconnected, shows the reasonable possibility. Either way, this is a conspiracy site and off the wall extrapolations are quite normal here…and if I am wrong, I still feel better than had I just assumed aliens.
Right. So here is the first interesting point of ponderence in the loose combination of information.
There are many high level Mormons in the Regan Administration, and many who serve in the NSA, CIA and FBI.
After all, it is widely known that Mormons have had a disproportionate representation in the CIA and FBI through the years, and that J. Edgar Hoover started the FBI with Mormon agents. They also have a disproportionate representation in the US Congress – five Mormon senators and 12 representatives – partly because of the concentration of Mormons in the Western US.
Time Magazine, August 4, 1997, has an article titled “Kingdom Come” by David Van Biema (in fact, the entire magazine issue is about the Mormon Church, titled ‘Mormons, Inc.: The secrets of America’s most prosperous religion’)
On page 52 I read, “The FBI and CIA, drawn by a seemingly incorruptible rectitude, have instituted Mormon-recruiting plans.”
Mormon-recruiting plans.”
The Mormon religion is a very strict upbringing and relies on cult like peer pressure to insure that Mormons not only buy into the religion but shun others who are not Mormon in their own personal social circles. I grew up in the religion so I can say this from subjective experience. I seriously could not really socialize outside of that religion until my later teenage years when I could finally rebel and refuse church.
But that is relevant in this thread only because it is their ingrained inclination towards loyalty that makes them perfect for Alphabet Agency recruitment. Who better to trust then someone who was brought up with strict behavioral standards?
While I find that to be a relevant note, it by no means illustrates the picture I am trying to paint. But it does show Mormon proximity to the intelligence agencies. It also shows that there is a Bush connection (Second link) and if the FBI was founded with Mormons, then there is a possibility that their presence in the NSA when the Star Wars defense program was approved during the Reagan administration indicates knowledge of some of the suspiced remote influence of human behavior attributed to satellite/cellular technology by those who are looking into the remote control mind control topics. Not a slam dunk but certainly suggestive when other considerations are added to the mix.
Such as the following. Did you know, if you are rich enough, you can legally make your child disappear? There are agencies that will come in the middle of the night and kidnap your child. It happens every night, there are children that will awake to strangers at the foot of their bed tonight. This is highly traumatic for kids, they will remember it clearly for the rest of their lives.
These places exist in all 50 states, there are hundreds of them. It is a billion-dollar industry, corporate America is involved, as well as some big politicians (Romney, both Bush’s, Santorum). At any given time there are 10,000-100,000 kids locked in programs designed to “break” them. Source
There are ‘schools’ which parents can pay to have their children placed in, like a boarding school, that in actuality act as behavioral modification programs designed to impose specific attitudes if the child is not aligned with what parents think their child should be (keep in mind that society has imposed/does impose certain parameters for a successful individual through stigmatizing anything that isn’t conducive to monetary gain et cetera, something I think is emphasized much more in affluent circles). These places are designed as a strict daily regiment that punishes severely any behavioral deviance from the daily routine, implementing programs intended to numb the mind and preventing any communication with the outside world – much like a cult.
And Romney, along with the Bush’s and Santorum for that matter, are associated with these programs – which incidentally are very profitable. So we have Mormons associated with recruiting preference amongst our intelligence agencies and even public office (Romney was being discussed for the Presidency as early as 2007) and demonstrable associations with Behavioral Modification institutions. Where is the Mind Control aspect?
Oddly enough, it actually exists in a very obscure reference to most everyone who doesn’t consider Mind Control topics. And it involves his George Romney…Mitt’s father.
Michigan’s Governor George Romney was very much interested in implementing mind control of the masses. He wanted to bring the Satanic rituals of child abuse that were proliferating in the Catholic Church into the Mormon church. He wanted a robotic society growing up within the Mormon church so that they would give more money to the NWO effort.
One of the things that he instructed me to do was to attend the Muskegon Catholic Central High School — which was very much involved in this ClA/Jesuit merger of mind control information. Through implementation of trauma in the school system, a person such as myself would photographically record whatever I was taught. I got all A’s but I didn’t gain any information I could use. I couldn’t think to use anything that I had learned, but I was recording facts and that’s what they were interested in.
……Governor Romney was also interested in an early version of the Global Education 2000 Program (Outcome-Based Education) that’s infiltrated our school system It was designed to increase our children’s learning capacity while decreasing their ability to critically analyze. As a result, the Michigan education system ranked first in the nation for many years but the devastation to the children was horrible.
The most interesting aspect of this source, seeing as it is kind of indirect and mostly subjective, is that the Romney name was associated with Mind Control in 1995 – way before there was any reason to think Mitt was going to be a Presidential candidate. So, one wonders, why would Romney be associated with this topic?
I am of course always skeptical when it comes to singular and unconnected references so I did a search (“Romney Behavioral Study” as search terms) and found the following – Se arch Results
I did multiple searches with various last names so the above is really a left field inference from me but it does show that the Romney name has many associations in the Behavioral sciences and even more interesting, the third link from the top contains the name “Kimball”…which happens to be the last name of the twelfth President of the Mormon church. Are the Romneys and Kimball in the above search the two people I am referencing? No. Does it demonstrate potential interest from both families in human behavior? Yes.
Actually, I know that the direct above is kind of a stretch as it is. I don’t know how to trace genealogy so the above could be refuted on that note…as well as other reasons. Any help on that regard would be appreciated.
At the very least, it can be stated that Romney has some questionable associations and that the Mormon church has some interesting associations regarding the topic. Is my theory a slam dunk? Hell no. Is there enough there for me to reasonably consider the possibility that the theory has possible roots in reality? Combined with my personal experiences and history, I would say yes. Did I want to put this in a thread and present it for others to deride and/or consider…yep…because I certainly do not have the time and/or capacity to effectively research it. Remember – I am just a poor conspiracy theorist who is putting some of his concerns upon upstanding millionaires…at the very least, this is a topic that may never have seen the light of day, true or not. At the very least, it is a beginning towards the consideration ofwhy our leaders typically come from very affluent backgrounds and what they could possibly do with all of the money that they earn through personal ventures and where the taxpayers money gets allocated if not for public education, welfare, et cetera.
Money buys control and influence over people. And that is a science that has yet to be perfected and which potentially has new technology to be studied and applied in pursuit of such control/influence.
And remember – this is speculative and certainly not the first time that Mormonism has been questioned on these lines I am not saying every Mormon is in on it or knows everything about it all if there is something to be in on (Compartmentalization). Nor am I calling them evil or anything of that nature so don’t hold me to any belief of anything unless I have explicitly said so.
But I do think that this is a valid consideration.
Flame away!
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