Lamont Watson Watson
2 hrsEvidence of Mind Control – Why Mind Control and Electronic Attack Countermeasures are Critical: BASED ON THE OPINIONS OF LONE STAR CONSULTING, INC.: Aaron Alexis was the Sept. 16, 2013, attacker in the Washington Navy Yard mass shootings. Earlier, Aaron Alexis had reported that three men had followed him from the airport, who were projecting thoughts into his mind and keeping him sleep-deprived using a “microwave machine.” Also, Aaron Alexis claimed that the Government was attacking him with ELF signals (Extremely Low Frequency signals). Sound familiar? News reports during the shooting spree claimed that there were three shooters, but later said that Aaron Alexis was the only shooter. Earlier, Aaron Alexis visited two VA medical centers for mental therapy. We believe that Aaron Alexis was a VA Manchurian Candidate – a disgruntled loner Veteran targeted, programmed and triggered using EMF mind control technology to do what he did. The three men who followed him were his handlers – programmers and “Queen of Diamonds” “trigger” men – John Doe #1, John Doe #2 and John Doe #3 (supervisor of Doe #1 and #2) – typical set-up. And that the three originally suspected shooters were Aaron Alexis, John Doe #1 and John Doe #2. Why the reported number of shooters changed to one shooter was because while John Doe #1 and #2 were acting suspiciously (staying close enough to Aaron Alexis to control and monitor him), they never fired shots or acted threatenly themselves, so were later discounted. Stephen Paddock (Oct. 1, 2017 massacre of 58 people in Las Vegas, NV) is yet another example. Paddock was a rich and successful person with no prior indication or history that he would suddently rampage for no apparent reason. So, why did he do it? The authorities have not identified any reason why Paddock went on his rampage. Millions of people take Valium and don’t shoot people. Just another victim of mind control? Another Manchurian candidate?
For decades, we have asserted that Manchurian candidates are being trained in the U.S., and that the VA is complicit going back to the days where the VA used electroconvulsive “therapy” and lobotamies on Veterans in secret Government hospitals and compounds. This was not the first horribly violent act in which “John Does” were implicated – recall Sirhan Sirhan, Timothy McVeigh, other cases.
The moral here is that if you are a Targeted Individual (TI) of mind control and electronic attacks – even if not a Veteran – you better take serious steps to ferret out the attacks and to countermeasure them – else you risk possibly becoming the next Aaron Alexis or Stephen Paddock! Mind control and electronic attacks are often extremely dangerous – even deadly. Seek help from trustworthy people who understand what you are going thru. Our goal is to help Targeted Individuals. Let us try to help you.

The Government Never Stops Doing Mind Control and Electronic Attacks on TIs: Mind control and electronic attacks come from governments (ours and many others), corporations, criminal and terrorist organizations, and technically-adept individuals for many reasons. The U.S. Government spends ever-increasing $Billions every year of tax money on developing mind control and electronic attack weapon systems. This money is scattered thruout Government, and much of it is spent in secret. Most of its mind control and electronic attack technology shortly leaks out to corporations, individuals, and hackers working for foreign governments and criminal/terrorist organizations. And the U.S. Government has a long, sordid history of secretly doing its weapons experimentation on unsuspecting and uninformed American populations. Many people wishfully rationalize that because the U.S. Government is stressed by great debt, or on sequester, or shut down with only essential personnel working, it cuts back on its mind control and electronic attack programs like most other programs. The U.S. Government never shuts down, or even scales back, its mind control and electronic attack research, development, testing and its abuses. Some say it even steps them up to better monitor and control people during bad times. Of course, when U.S. Government law enforcement is viewed as weakened, all the other perps know they can more freely operate against Americans because less Government law enforcement personnel and resources will be available to detect, much less arrest, perps is also weakened.

STINGRAY TARGETING DEVICES (STDs): One of several major examples is the Government’s widespread abuse of StingRay technology. StingRay devices mimic cellphone towers by capturing and controlling all cellphone uses in its long reach, and capable of targeting any number of those cellphone users it captures for, “special treatment”. At least 13 major Federal law enforcement and surveillance agencies routinely deploy StingRay devices in their “toolkit”, including but not limited to, the military branches, FBI, CIA and IRS, plus 100s of state, local and other non-Federal entities, clearly also including private entities. Government agency internal regulations regarding StingRay uses, if any, are secret and vary from none to little. StingRay devices are smaller than a small shoe box, and can be placed almost anywhere, including buildings, vehicles, drones, planes, telephone posts, and even hidden behind non-metallic surfaces, including walls, curtains, pictures, signs and inside valises, backpacks and packages. The purchaser of a StingRay device signs a contract that states that he/she/it will never disclose nor admit to having a StingRay device, so do not expect Government officials and others to even admit generally to mind control or electronic attack – much less do anything about it. StingRay devices are used in secret to track and eavesdrop onto targeted cellphone conversations. More advanced devices using this technology can lock onto brainwave signatures to electronically verify who the cellphone user is, and track that TI, even if he/she switches phones, and even deliver mind control and electronic attack signals to the cellphone user.

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) DEVICES: These days, some governments, terrorist groups, criminal organizations, corporations and even individuals are now doing more mind control and electronic attack research, development, testing and deployment than even the U.S. Government. Especially China, Russia, North Korea and others. If you had asked us decades ago who is doing these attacks, we would have told you, ‘Almost certainly, the U.S.’ – but not any more! In fact, China is clearly now doing an ultra ambitious “Manhattan Project”-level effort to develop and deploy mind control and electronic attack programs based on Artificial Intelligence (AI). Clearly, the Chinese now have or will soon have the technology to monitor, surveil and control every human being on Earth down to their brain function level! The idea is to turn every person into a Manchurian Candidate. Russia and North Korea are clearly similarly engaged. And of course, whatever is developed by government-level and other advanced researchers has already or will soon end up in the hands of other governments, corporations, criminals, terrorists and tech hackers down the street and 10,000 miles away. The time will come soon when “ransomware” is not going to just apply to computers, but to virtually all human brains attacked, tortured, scrambled and shut down by Artificial Intelligence mind control weapons. Unless you can stop the attacks at your level (for which we offer many countermeasure device-types), you may soon end up paying ransoms just to keep perps away from your brain. Today, many Targeted Individuals (TIs) report crippling mind control and electronic attacks against them – in fact, we believe that many people diagnosed with fibromyalgia and similar are actually mass-attacked TIs. The many TIs who are endlessly suffering greatly and are being disbelieved, ridiculed, dismissed and even threatened for blaming electronic attacks, and some of us who have been ridiculed and attacked for doing mind control research even from the 1970s, are now finally vindicated!
REPORTED CHINESE MIND CONTROL ELECTRONIC ATTACKS: Widely reported now are mind control and electronic attacks being done to U.S. diplomats in China, “very similar” to the Cuba attacks, 2016-2017. These attacks are causing ‘subtle and vague, but abnormal sensations’ and “pressures about the head”. Same manifestations as a concussion or minor Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), but without actually hitting your head. Many reports of hearing, “painful, high-pitched noises” that cause, ‘headaches, dizziness, nausea, and loss of concentration’. (Albuquerque Journal, 5/24/18, p. A4).

THE VERY HARMFUL EFFECTS OF MICROWAVES AND ULTRASOUNDS IN GENERAL: The types and frequencies of mental disorders, including various forms of mental illness and dementia (Alzheimers is the most common form of dementia these days) we often see today virtually did not exist 150+ years ago. In some age groups, 50% of the people now have Alzheimers disease. If that happened 100 years ago, it would be all over the scientific and general literature. Most of the Biblical Prophets where very old men, yet they were widely sought after and greatly valued for their wisdom and insights. Some scientists have linked mental disorders to genes. You got your genes from your ancestors, so how come your ancestors didn’t get dementia and very few of them were mentally ill? So what has changed? Now, we have many chemicals in our environment than ever before, so some chemicals are a factor (eg: mercury). What else has changed even more. 150+ years ago, there was no human-generated electromagnetic signals or ultrasonic signals in our environment. Today, the air is full of these signals, most of which are there for communications and entertainment purposes. Now, we have cellphones with powerful antennas blasting out electromagnetic signals just 2-3 inches from our brains. Now, ultrasounds perform many functions ranging from communications to medical to industrial to security. We believe that these constant exposures all of our lives to intense electromagnetic signals and ultrasonic signals are progressively destroying the most sensitive, vulnerable and valuable part of our bodies – our brains – and are major causes of these clearly huge increases of devastating mental disorders (especially dementia and schizophrenia, and also likely brain cancers and childhood behavioral disorders) in the last 150 years. So, even if you do not believe that perps are using electronic weapons to attack you, it is clearly very wise to protect your brain and the brains of your loved ones from these brain-damaging assaults – even if you believe to be 100% non-malevolent. So, please seriously consider our shielding countermeasures described on our mindcontrol webpages. You would not run out into the snow blizzard without protecting your body, so stop running out into the microwave and ultrasonic blizzard without protecting your brain!



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