Frequencies War : Chemtrails Haarp and NWO
January 4, 2014 at 7:00pm
Dear friends and awaken People…
What some scientific Elites dare to call ‘Geo ingineering ‘the climate… to ‘ stop Global warming “…
Here is the Ugly truth :
They do it already since at least 1995
. It’ s the ‘Chemtrails’Haarp couple working together = nano particles of Aluminium, Baryum, Strontium and more, ruining Air, Trees, crops , bees and Human Health, destroying climate balance , increasing global warming, droughts and floods, tearing the Ozone layer.
1°These people are lying..
Global warming is cause by the Sun activity and solar system warmer; But this does’nt threaten Earth cause Earth can manage it with natural systems of Balance . for example the Ice in North pole is NOT melting at all but growing. Cimate is going generally colder with ‘ pockets ‘ of warmings, not du to Human CO2.
why do they lie, so?..
2°These people are part of the NEW WORLD ORDER leaders, lying to all the Populations of the world for Implemantation AGENDA 21 Global agenda, world wide, = Depopulation trough ‘ Pharmakia’ with means ‘ drugs ‘ and ‘Witchcraft’ , reduction of : Health, Liberty, try to end organic cultures, and end of freedom to grow your own food, no rights to travel free for ‘ecologic reasons’.Cities for the people , with private property canceled, and big ‘wild zones ” of Nature, forbidden to the average people .
The excuse for Agenda 21 is ‘ ecology ‘ ans ‘sustainable development ‘ ,in fact , to reduce all liberties of people and implement control on every domain of your Life and Children Lives;.
Study AGENDA 21.
They have many leaders in UE ,,and USA,and corporates and Banks, to control the Food , The drugs, Big Pharma, and the SEEDS, and want to set up a technocratic world Gvt fachist style but hidden fachism, and total Technologic control over you. in all the realms of Life : FOOD, VACCINES, MICRO CHIPS, SMART DUST, MEDECINE, SOCIAL , SEXUALITY, FAMILY, POLICE, CHILDREN, PRIVATE PROPERTY. All this is designed to be controled and your rights terminated in future; If you let them do without thinking and documenting yourself.
They have also Transhumanist agenda,( Bilderberg group 2013) to change the biology of man and mix it with Computers, and bio technology. robots. Artificial Intelligence , and Life Extension.
This will be for the rich and the elites, and they believe in ‘ Singularity ” to happen in 2045 ( Ray Kurzwail ) This goes along with GMO manipulations for Nature and Plants, to change biology as well. (MONSANTO )
The New world order is documented and it’s easy to find the History, links and high level documents with evidences . see also= Aldous Huxley speech 1959, a reference for the Elites and the Eugenist Society. (London ) with Julian Huxley, his brother at it’s head. Aldous Huxley wrote ‘Brave new world’ a predictive conception of a technocratic one world eugenist GVT.
It’s not a conspiracy it’s a FACT.
example ‘ Endgames’ documentary , by Alex jones. and many other researchers.
If u think u can escape this nightmare society by chance, or not looking at the reality, or if u think some ‘saviors ‘from space will come , you are wrong.
All had been planned , even the last card , an’ alien threat ‘ to implement a World Government, which would be a dictatorship by technologic , cybernetic, and chemical ‘ support ‘ ..
They make weather control with nano traçors ( by smar dust in aerosols ) and weather wars with the Chemtrails and HAARP , create dramatic climate loops and mess, Haarp style facilities,are implanted on several continents..
see the document ” Owning the weather in 2025″
and so control the Food market, food trading , and make billions of dollars by trading crops and lost crops, lost farms, ruining the farmers or countries, all around the world. then the lost lands can be bought by OGM companies like MONSANTO and big Industrial Agriculture Or Water companies.
It’s also a weapon in silent meteorologic wars . ( ex : Iran was drought to death by chemtrails and Haarp)
FOOD CONTROL. WEATHER WARS. DEPOPULATION. GMO. CHEMICAL WARFARE ON EARTH AND HUMANITY.. ( also supported with additives in Vaccines, Medics, Water and industrial food )
If Humanity listen and believe this LIE, that we need GEO INGINEERING for a fake “Global Warming..” ( that they DO EVERYDAY ! ) it’s the END OF OUR NATURALPLANET = death of species, death of trees ( already reported world wide,!! ) death of bees, animals,death for fragil persons,a lot of ill people, end of wild life,( bees culling and soils ph culling and lake waters poisoning ) of natural Food and so the End of Health and Liberty.
It”a also MIND CONTROL= trough Smart Dust and nano fibers, nano parasites, electromagnetic nano tubes in your body, organics mixed nano antennas = send by thousands of Chemtrails everyday, and responding to Super Computer Management outside.. (sooner or later) ( helped by the waves web of gwen towers, smart meters, mobile phones and even computers and internet )
You are already a living ANTENNA ; , they can manipulate. ( but u can FREE yourself with detox diet and mind strengh !! there are ways to defeat those assaults ! )
This is not a dream, or a SF movie, the technology do exist.
see the document ‘ The future is now’ by Nasa. ABSOLUTLY THREATENING SCIENCE.
You have been warned, but don’t fear…
Do your research, join the groups, awake your mind and intelligence, detox, body and mind .
Reach higher FREQUENCIES. you are the leader of your own frequencies and can work on this. Togetther we can upgrade the level of Consciousness, healing, detox and make ‘ critical mass happen in Peace, which would cancel all darkness on this Planet and annulate the harmful frequencies
We won’t let them destroy our Planet , our Nature, and Freedom. I count on you.. smile emoticon
Rachel Sky.
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