Annika Grahn Charmolu shared Jeff Chiacchieri‘s photo., MIT, DARPA & Rockefeller are on schedule for full control of your brain. Technology and its influence on the general direction of the planet I find a very difficult topic to write about to make people want to choose understand it. In order to even remotely grasp what is happening laid out in this long post you must disconnect your mind from the last century’s way of thinking. Failure to change the way you think will preclude you from seeing reality accurately. The purpose of this post is to simply show the extent at which technology has been used directly on you, to control America’s population for a world government plan

In 2013 Obama told the people regarding funding for a brain mapping project:

If you already understand long ago the Rockefeller’s founded the National Education Association to monopolize education, writing, publication and all literature for information control. Then you already understand how mind control is done through information control, not to mention the media. Since what we think is based on what we learn, manipulation of a mind, or a nation of minds, has been accomplished through control of information, with thought control being a result of information control. That is how America was subverted thus far. Thanks to the development of mind evasive technology that method will become outdated under world government control.

Back in 2013, Obama gave $100 million to the BRAIN initiative; made up of:
• Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HMMI)
• Kavil Foundation (KF)
• Salk Institute for Biological Studies (SIBS)
• Rockefeller University
• Stanford University
• Allen Institute
• Cornell University

History of Mind Control, Mind Invasive Technology & DARPA
The globalist created technology race for the tools to control/enslave the planet picked up pace after the Soviet Union launched Sputnik, the first artificial satellite, on October 4, 1957. In response President Eisenhower approved the organization of the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) under the aegis of the Department of Defense.” ARPA, has been renamed is now the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).

Since its inception, DARPA has served the globalist plan by performing advanced research for U.S. Military predominance using the technological transfer of the worlds most advanced emergent technologies into military deployment. The advance of technologies needed for totalitarian control are required by world government for human control for world slavery. During the 1960s and 1970s, DARPA began research on the ballistic missile defense that the Army later developed. DARPA developed stealth technologies. DARPA’s developed ARPANET, a distributed packet-switched computer network that allows the Air Force to preserve control over its fleet of missiles and bombers during a nuclear strike and the creation of ARPANET’s two dominant underlying protocols, known as Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol (TCP/IP).

DARPA’s Transmission Control and Internet protocols became today’s internet when the U.S. government decommissioned NSFNET and commercialized its network on April 30, 1995.

In 1960, J.C.R. Licklider, a psychologist who later served as Director of DARPA, proposed a “man-computer symbiosis” that would serve during an interim period before an “intimate association” between man and computer could yield computers with true artificial intelligence.

DARPA currently funds the Human Assisted Neural Devices Program, which evolved out of the Brain-Machine Interfaces program initiated in 2002 that include but are not limited to weapons or weapon systems, robots or robot systems. Application of this technology to prosthetic s has already progressed into human trials. By 2005, a tetraplegic human with a rudimentary microelectrode cortical implant demonstrated this technology by manipulating a simulated computer, a television, and a robotic arm.

A former DARPA researcher heads Cyberkinetics, a private company that in 2008 created “BrainGate,” a neural interface that allowed humans to communicate their thoughts directly to a computer.
Pentagon’s DARPA Develops Implantable Hard Drives for Our Brains / Sputnik International
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is developing a pacemaker-sized device that someday could improve the memory of soldiers who have suffered a traumatic brain injury – a sort of hard drive for the brain.

“We know we need a next-generation device that doesn’t exist today,” said Justin Sanchez, a program manager in DARPA’s Biological Technologies Office in Arlington, Virginia. “That’s what these new programs are all about — not only understanding the brain and these conditions, but building the hardware that enables us to address those issues. You need both.”

One of DARPA’s projects, Restoring Active Memory, seeks to build a prosthetic device that could aid declarative memory, a form of long-term memory that can be recalled, such as facts. Watch the 1995 movie Johnny Mnemonic to get an idea of this invasive technology that seeks to merge with humans so intimately. The movie takes place in 2021, the whole world connected by a global internet, and almost half the population is suffering from something called nerve attenuation syndrome. In the movie a Cyborg preacher who has enhanced his body by artificial means is whats underway today.

Barrie Trower, a British physicist who was a microwave weapons, microwave uses, and microwave warfare expert for the Royal Navy and the British Secret Service. He explains clearly about the health effects of WiFi and other forms of microwave radiation that already today damage people in many ways.

Artifical Intellegence is required for United Nations Agenda 2030 for setting up the world for massive population reduction, then totaltarian world control (because the people do not control the funding structure of anything) the Council on Foreigh Realtions and the Trilateral Commission continue steering America “forward” toward world government through the United Nationsfor world slavery.…/google-chairman-says-ai-can-…/

Psychiatrist Colin Ross—The CIA Doctors & Military Mind Control…

BioMedical Implants and References for Implant Technologies…/references-for-implant-technologies/

UN Global Biodiversity Assessment Report – 1995

A longitudinal analysis of nanotechnology literature: 1976–2004…/MCR080915_LongitNanoPaperSurvey_Lieta……/darpas-top-3-predictions-for-…

Did you ever watch the 2003 movie “Control Factor” Lance Bishop begins hearing voices, and believes those voices are encouraging him to kill his wife. In the movie Lance discovers that he is the subject of a government plot to control the people of the world. The movie is using outdated technology. Today a person can be manipulated using wi-fi or injected with a miniature RFID for complete control . Movie explained here:

Watch the movie here:

This movie “Control Factor”from 2003 was not advertised to be a documentary but it is . Remember the movie “enemy of the State” from 1998. Watch it today and you will view it as a documentary also.

The Development of Mind-Invasive Technology

In 50 years what is seen as cutting edge totalitarian technologies to control people today will be seen as primitive as you now consider a sword. By then what DARPA will be able to reach into your head to read and manipulate your thoughts. When government can read your mind, fighting that enemy will be like fighting yourself! Sound like magic or delusion? Its only technology you don’t yet understand.

“By increasing or prolonging stresses in various ways, or inducing physical debilitation, a more thorough alteration of the person’s thinking processes may be achieved. …If the stress or the physical debilitation, or both, are carried one stage further, it may happen that patterns of thought and behavior, especially those of recent acquisition, become disrupted. New patterns can then be substituted, or suppressed patterns allowed to reassert themselves; or the subject may begin to think or act in ways that precisely contradict his former ones. – Battle for the Mind: A Physiology of Conversion and Brainwashing, by William Sargant – Greenwood Press, Westport, CT, 1957.

In 1969 Dr Jose Delgado, a Yale psychologist, published a book: “Physical Control of the Mind: Towards a Psycho-civilized Society”. He displayed in practical demonstrations how, by means of electrical stimulation of the brain (which had been mapped out in its relations between different points and activities, functions and sensations) how the rhythm of breathing and heartbeat could be changed, as well as the function of most of the viscera, and gall bladder secretion. Frowning, opening and closing of eyes and mouth, chewing, yawning, sleep, dizziness, epileptic seizures in healthy persons were induced. The intensity of feelings could be controlled simply by turning a knob. In the 1970’s scientists discovered that electromagnetic pulses enabled the brain to be stimulated through the skull and other tissues, so there was no more need to implant electrodes in a brain to access the brain.

In the 1980’s the neuromagnetometer was developed which functions as an antenna and could monitor the patterns emerging from the brain. A computer using the antenna could localize the points in the brain where brain events occur. The product is called a magnetoencephalograph. In January 2000 Lockheed Martin neuroengineer Dr John D. Norseen, was quoted (US News and World Report, 2000) as hoping to turn the electrohypnomentalaphone, a mind reading machine, into science for use on the military and society at large. By a process of deciphering the brain’s electrical activity, electromagnetic pulsations would trigger the release of the brain’s own transmitters to control learning, control/create the mind’s visual images to create a ‘synthetic reality’. By this process of BioFusion, information is placed in a database, and a composite model of the brain is created.

“The ethics don’t concern me,” but they should concern someone else.”- Dr John D. Norseen.

There is a patent numbered 03951134 is on the Internet pages of IBM’s Intellectual Property Network. Its described in the patent for the capacity of picking up at a distance the brain waves of a person, process them by computer and emit correcting waves which will change the original brain waves.

– On May 25, 1995, the Guardian newspaper in the U.K. carried an article based on a report by Nic Lewer from Bradford University, which listed more than 30 different lines of research into new age weapons, including very-low-frequency sound beams to induce vomiting, bowel spasm, epileptic seizures and also crumble masonry. Further, the article states, “There are plans for ‘mind control’ with the use of ‘psycho-correction messages’ transmitted by subliminal audio and visual stimuli. And also a plan for ‘psychotronic weapons’ – apparently the projection of consciousness to other locations – and another to use holographic projection to disseminate propaganda and misinformation”.

– 1995 Dr Michael Persinger from the Behavioural Neuroscience Laboratory at Laurentian University in Ontario, Canada. “On the Possibility of Directly Accessing Every Human Brain by Electromagnetic Induction of Algorithms” , describes the ways that individual differences among human brains can be overcome and comes to a conclusion about the technological possibilities of influencing a major part of the approximately six billion people on this planet without mediation through classical sensory moralities but by generating electromagnetic induction of fundamental algorithms in the atmosphere.

“We have failed to comprehend that the result of the technology that originated in the years of the arms race between the Soviet Union and the West, has resulted in using satellite technology not only for surveillance and communication systems but also to lock on to humanbeings, manipulating brain frequencies by directing laser beams, neural-particle beams, electro-magnetic radiation, sonar waves, radiofrequency radiation (RFR), soliton waves, torsion fields and by use of these or other energy fields which form the areas of study for astro-physics. Since the operations are characterized by secrecy, it seems inevitable that the methods that we do know about, that is, the exploitation of the ionosphere, our natural shield, are already outdated as we begin to grasp the implications of their use.”…/7123

A barbaric cruel sentence ifor decades is being imposed on people who are victims of scientific-microwave experiments, and a totally uncomprehending society is indifferent to their evidence. Wireless weaponry has the capability of entering the brain, mind and body by technological means causing negative effects on human health and thinking. This technology is the result of decades of research and experimentation, most particularly in the Soviet Union and the United States. (Welsh, 1997, 2000). The developments over the last decades since the Cold War has included as a major strategic category, psycho-electronic weaponry, the aim is to enter the brain and mind. Unannounced to the people or their representatives in governments.

Since its all classified the only witnesses speaking about this are the victims themselves, the ones that can figure it out that is. Because they measured for it the women protesting against the presence of cruise missiles at Greenham Common found they were targeted victims of microwave radiation and no agency or government was made responsible/accountable. And to support this those who are given the task of diagnosing mental illness silence the ones who seek professional help by being classified as mentally ill, while the targeting of psychic mutilation and programmed pain to people continue unopposed. By careful design anyone with the capacity to believe that such things as mind-control exist, would be the end of your claim to sanity and probably your freedom. The globalist plan requires the government system of secrecy, which has facilitated this appalling technology. By design the government secrecy system is a poisonous legacy of the Cold War which also mandated active Deception with programs authorizing contractors to employ cover stories to disguise their activities. Paranoia has been aided and abetted by government intelligence agencies. All of that is for the globalist plan.

Among medical circles, a neuroscientist, neurologist, psychiatrist or even general medical practitioner cannot be found who acknowledges even the potential for technological manipulation of the nervous system with wireless technology. The globalist plan ensures the information about such technology is not made available to them. The result is they refer anyone attempting to communicate mind- harassment, ignoring the crime that is being committed. So there is no means for victims to gain medical attention for the effects of radiation from targeting. Denied the respect of being acknowledged they are being used as human guinea pigs that completely breaks down their lives. Only seen as insane sad cases that are forced to go on Big Pharms drugs for further torture.

For years many have been targeted and as the world becomes more littered with wifi they are forced to bear it, and do not go to “professionals” for help. Instead, for example removing sim cards provides some relief to the targeted, then survival techniques require nutrition and avoidance techniques. Targeted aware individuals do all they can to figure out how to not be broken by it, with no other option but to become an activist consumed by the battle against this mid-evil style of technological control. Almost every waking hour of everyday energies are directed to finding ways to survive and to alert a sleeping society to the imminent threats to their lives from fascist operations with control of covert lethal weaponry. Informing the public of things they don’t want to hear or understand about evil forces at work in their society for the globalist plan to date has been unsuccessful. Below are attempts;

– January 1998, an annual public meeting of the French National Bioethics Committee was held in Paris. Its chairman, Jean-Pierre Changeux, a neuroscientist at the Institute Pasteur in Paris, told the meeting that advances in cerebral imaging make the scope for invasion of privacy immense. Although the equipment needed is still highly specialized, it will become commonplace and capable of being used at a distance. That will open the way for abuses such as invasion of personal liberty, control of behavior and brainwashing. These are far from being science-fiction concerns…and constitute “a serious risk to society.” – Nature, Vol 391, 1998.

THE NAZI NWO BRAIN INIATIVEJeff Chiacchieri February 10 at 12:32pm · Obama, MIT, DARPA & Rockefeller are on…DOCS.GOOGLE.COM



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