TAKE NOTE OF TWO ACCELERATORS IN CONSTRUCTION AND A MINI NUKE REACTOR IN THE CENTER OF THE PHOTO Billy HayesBilly Hayes Wrote: HAARP is gone but the technologies acquired are now part of the new Digital SpaceFence which includes all the particle accelerators, SuperDarn sites, NexRad sites, NASA comm sites, GWEN tower sites…….. Kevin Craig CanadaHAARP is very much here just come live here and watch it in action, unbelievableEvery time there is a major catastrophe this thing is going apeshit. Billy HayesOnce again…HAARP technology continues under a different name As for the VA…The VA has for a long time been using veterans as lab rats. The purging of the Admin levels of the VA over the last 8 months will eventually bring these facts into light. I’M ONE OF THEIR FUCKING LAB RATS, HAD EAR IMPLANTS DONE AT A VA NOW I’M A TARGETED INDIVIDUAL, SOB’S… IN OTHER WORDS THEY ARE BUILDING A TOTAL FUCKING CONTROL GRID TO CONTROL US….Ron Angell Former US Army Intelligence Officer Julianne McKinney exposes the military communications weapons used on civilians and military Personal- Chemtrials are NOT JUST FOR RAIN and Cloud Seeding- Chemtrails are also for Nano brain entrainment- meaning substances in the 10 EE -09 Meters break the blood brain barrier over time when breathed in and create two way radio structures inside the human and animal brain. With Directed Energy and RHIC- Radio Hypnotic Cerebral Control- and supercomputers so sophisticated – human beings and animals are controlled. This is old news- it began December 12th 1998. But some reported this began in Edison New Jersey in 1991. And then there are even Older Former US Federal Employees that reported in Washington DC in 1977 this began when DC had the highest Murder rate in the USA. Former US Army Intelligence Officer Julianne McKinney exposes the military communications weapons used on civilians and military Personal- Chemtrails are for nano brain entrainment (Mind control takeover with small particles in food, water and air that break the blood brain barrier and then control the human nervous system with Radio Hypnotic Inercerebral control) These weapons are weapons of Mass Destruction- Pulsed microwaves, pulsed infa red weapons. In space and in the cell tower network and the weaponized power grid..http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZMNoIB6w30
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