Miesha Johnston4 hrsStarseed Awakening Radio, Saturday 3/26/16 at 12:00PM to 1:00PM PST. My guest panel of Electronic Harassed & targeted Individuals who are in the process of suing to have their implants removed. David, Patty & James will be sharing thier experiences. To listen live at www.kcorradio.com or go to the Tunein App by click on this link: http://tunein.com/radio/KCOR-Digital-Radio-Network-s249857/ For questions go to Twitter KCOR Digital Network @KC or call in 702-425-9230. Now you can listen from any phone, no internet needed. 605-475-1680, Join Eventhttps://www.facebook.com/events/580749215417747/
Electronic Harassment Targeted Individuals.This is real, verifiable, and it affects you.
I will have an anonymous panel of people who have sued or are in the process of suing because they had implants put in there bodies, which Electronic Harrassament is the result These are real life, there are probably hundreds of thousands of victims whose cases have not been recognized in the US alone. But there is precedent taking place currently in some court rooms .
Kevin Craig CanadaJust now · http://kcorradio.com/KCOR/index.php
KCOR Digital Radio NetworkKCOR is a Digital Radio Network offering broadcasters worldwide and inexpensive medium to air their radio shows.KCORRADIO.COM|BY TINA MARIE ENTERTAINMENT
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