Kevin Craig Canada shared a link.Admin · 19 hrsGood News for TI’s in 5G locations. A Relatively Quick Death. The COINTELPRO & Microwave Torture is Over. “It is the people who are suddenly collapsing, without any sort of symptoms, and then dying is what the 5G info is focused on.”

Jeff Murray
2:05 PM (2 hours ago)
to jeff773747@yahoo.com, Jeff

“It is the people who are suddenly collapsing, without any sort of symptoms, and then dying is what the 5G info is focused on.”

Coronavirus is bioweapon developed in biological weapons lab. There Huge Bioweapons Lab in Wuhan, China.

“One of these videos shows a Chinese woman who collapsed onto a pile of vegetables while shopping at a supermarket and died right there. These people were not showing any symptoms such as lung congestion or coughing etc., that normally goes along with a corona virus infection that develops into pneumonia and then difficulty in breathing.”

5G is a EMP weapon system that has been used on battlefields.

5G started in June 2019 in Wuhan, China.

Ken Adachi– 5G is a Factor in Coronavirus Deaths https://shar.es/aHnbME

Ken Adachi– 5G is a Factor in Coronavirus Deaths
It is the people who are suddenly collapsing, without any sort of symptoms, and then dying is what the 5G info is focused on.Makow – I’m still sceptical because deaths are taking place in Iran and Italy, far from 5GFrom Ken Adachi(henrymakow.com)Thanks for tweeting despite your skepticism about 5G.

Credible Sources:
This list shows 33 Medical Doctors, PhD Scientists, and former government agents that agree with our claim, that the U.S. government is using an illegal program of microwave targeting against civilians. We encourage and support all Whistleblowers to come forward with their information. Some of us are proud Whistleblowers and Political Activists, and would gladly do it again,

Dr John Hall, M.D. and author
Dr Katherine Horton, PhD Oxford Univ. Scientist
Dr Robert Middlebrook, PhD Professor
Dr Harold Mandel, M.D.
Dr Daniel Lebowitz, M.D.
Dr Max Williams, PhD, Professor & State Dept
Dr Barrie Trower, PhD government Scientist
Dr Michael Hoffer, M.D., Univ of Miami
​​Dr Colin Ross, M.D.
​Dr Ed Spencer, M.D.
Dr Sue Arrigo, M.D.
Dr Douglas Smith, M.D., Univ of Penn.
Dr Terry Robertson, M.D.
Dr Robert Duncan, PhD former CIA engineer
Dr Doug Rokke, PhD government Scientist
​Dr Eric Karlstrom, PhD Professor
Dr Nick Begich, Scientist
Dr Paul Batcho, PhD government scientist
Dr Paul Marko, PhD Psychologist
Dr Robert Steele, former CIA analyst
Dr Ben Colodzin, PhD Psychologist
​Dr Curtis Bennett, Professor
Dr Corkin Cherubini, author
Dr Sean Andrews, Scientist
Willam Binney, NSA Whistleblower
Kirk Weibe, NSA Whistleblower
​Karen Stewart, NSA Whistleblower
​Carl Clark, CIA Whistleblower
​Kevin Shipp, CIA Whistleblower
Mark Phillips, CIA Whistleblower
John DeCamp, Army intelligence Whistleblower

It is the people who are suddenly collapsing, without any sort of symptoms, and then dying is what the 5G info is focused on.Makow – I’m still sceptical because deaths are taking place in Iran and Italy, far from 5GFrom Ken Adachi(henrymakow.com)Thanks for tweeting despite your skepticism about 5G.HENRYMAKOW.COMKen Adachi– 5G is a Factor in Coronavirus DeathsIt is the people who are suddenly collapsing, without any sort of symptoms, and then dying is what the 5G info is focused on.Makow – I’m still…It is the people who are suddenly collapsing, without any sort of symptoms, and then dying is what the 5G info is focused on.Makow – I’m still sceptical because deaths are taking place in Iran and Italy, far from 5GFrom Ken Adachi(henrymakow.com)Thanks for tweeting despite your skepticism about 5G.



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