Sonny Irvin with Melissa Melton and 8 others at Inside Your Head.January 26 · Little River, SC · Did you know that technology is already in use with our computer systems that LITERALLY READS OUR BRAINS ? ☆please share☆#opensourcebci#DARPA wants to #crowdsouce #DIY #brainwave computer interfaces (#BCI) and research Dr. Bill Casebeer, a US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) program manager, is hoping to spark a neuroscience maker movement.OpenBCI is just one of four EEG projects that were funded by DARPA in June 2013; the prototype, a low-cost ($30) OpenBCI electroencephalography device (EEG) was presented at the 2013 MakerFaire in New York. This is the first step in the agency’s effort to jumpstart a do-it-yourself BCI revolution in neuroscience.Darpa’s BCI EEG based open-source device was created with the desire to remove barriers to adopting BCI technology; the platform was developed so that makers, scientists, and engineers can create tools. Neuroscientist +M Scienide and microprocessor fan +Larry Carney Jr. might find this interesting.What Is OpenBCI?OpenBCI is fully accessible and customizable open source 8-channel EEG signal capture platform built around Texas Instrument’s ADS1299 Analog Front End IC and supported by an open-source community of hardware and software builders.The direct access to the algorithms that translate raw EEG signals to meaningful data is great for R&D or simply fun citizen-science maker projects that require adjustable hardware setups and direct control over the signal processing techniques. BCI is currently in its first round of hardware design drafts and is able to read real EEG signals from the hardware and send them to a computer. Here’s a link to the ADS1299 Product Page on Texas Instrument’s website, and one to the datasheet. Info:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Darpa request for BCI proposals Work must be performed in the United States Twitter OpenBCI Check out their tweet … NeuroKnitting “user’s affective response to music is captured every second and memorised in the knitted garment pattern. …represents a novel way of personal, generative design and fabrication. An approach that brings together affective computing and digital crafts. “ +Ron Scroggin might find this ‘performance’ interesting.World Maker Faire New York 2013…/low-cost-neural-monitoring-for-mak…/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Other BCI news:Demonstration of mind control of a robotic prosthetic leg…/dn24265-man-controls-new-pros….…/brain-bats-play-pong-with-your-mi…Sonny Irvin’s photo.
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