Use extreme spiritual violence on them. This is mostly spiritual warfare. Technology enhances their demonic abilities. They want you to think its all technology so you feel you cant fight back. You can fight back. You generate vibrations through thoughts, emotions and especially with words. They hate being accurately exposed. Faith or confidence is spiritual armor. Those being targeted have been declared heretics by the Pope of Rome. The Holy See is the All Seeing Eye. It is a psychic third eye conspiracy. They are all demonic temporal lobe intruding sorcerers manipulating thoughts, dreams, and the physiology. There are millions of them. They are everywhere. Jesuits, priests, freemasons, witches, new agers, knighthoods, etc are directly involved along with organized religions. The occult consider souls and energy as currency. They are the money changers in temporal lobes. Whip them out with the tongue. Hammer them with your word. Use force and spiritual violence. Stability with might.
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