You could sell the entire Island grouping of hawaii 10,000 times and you still wouldn’t cover the budget for the research and development of the weapons systems used for this holocaust… This is not disaster capitalism, this is not hostile state actors either, this is about the receivers of the territory formally known as the United States cleaning out the unwanted remnants of the former nation to fit their own purposes. All institutions including the military now serve a new master. The citizens of the West no longer have any representation. The open massacres of Human children in massive numbers is perfectly consistent for these people who seek to exterminate our species. Our species, incidentally, is not theirs – Most of us have gone through life understanding that there are different races… But barely anyone has recognised there is another SPECIES… They are the descendants of the nephilim, satan’s spawn. This was was begun in the garden of Edin at the very beginning. We are at the final phase of this war now, and we will need a literal miracle to prevail.
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