Today’s Situation Update podcast covers the weaponization of weather systems to target human infrastructure. It is over two hours in length and features interviews with Dane Wigington (see below) as well as a first responder on the ground in Central Florida.
As these interviews reveal, exotic weapon systems are being used to achieve global biosphere destruction which encompasses agricultural collapse, fertilizer disruptions and supply chain breakdowns that are designed to achieve mass global famine.
If these attacks on our world are not stopped, they could end in an Extinction Level Event(ELE), warns Wigington (see below).
Each interview is posted here separately, followed by the full Situation Update podcast which includes other analysis.
First interview: Weather weaponization
– Dane Wigington from GeoengineeringWatch.org describes the weaponization of Hurricane Ian
– Modern tech can control the direction and intensity of storms and droughts
– Florida’s phosphate fertilizer industry was in direct path of the hurricane
– Global attacks against the biosphere target crops, fertilizer and food production
– The destruction of the biosphere is aiming to be an Extinction Level Event (ELE)
– Globalists are unleashing ecological destruction that will take CENTURIES to heal
Second interview: Hurricane responders and satellite comms
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